Tag Archives: beachbody

The Year of INFINITY

2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8 or INFINITY

What does ^^^ mean? In angel numbers, 8 means a year of infinite abundance and prosperity for you and everyone. If you create space within to be an open vessel for the universe, you will receive many wonderful ideas. “You will have the courage to take a leap of faith to put these ideas into action. These projects will inspire you to work harder than ever . . . yet it will be joyful work for meaningful projects, which will create great blessings and abundance for everyone involved.” –Doreen Virtue


Yup, that’s right! Buckle up yogis & yogini’s we have a blissful year full of opportunity ahead of us. But how do we create this space within to allow these blessings into our lives? We need to dump out our trash- duh! You know, old habit patterns and ways of thinking, oh and those damn expectations that we so easily grasp onto. When we practice yoga and meditation we are clearing and cleaning out this trash to create more SPACE to receive higher blessings. You can’t fill up an overflowing gas tank, right? Got it??? Good 😉


SO! Lightworkers, the big question now is- what is it that you’re going to manifest?? Because I promise you, whatever thoughts you project out into the universe is exactly what you’re going to get back. Scary? It could be. Exciting? Definitely! This is why we have a regular daily spiritual practice- so we’re ready for whatever challenges come our way. Not only that- but so we concur them and learn to view everything in a positive bright white light!

Now, how do we manifest a life of our wildest dreams?

3c7de048c73de4d52b08da6a42d2154dSTART HERE:

  • Think abundance
  • Envision yourself thriving
  • Write down your dreams, wishes & desires
  • Make a vision board
  • Be creative & get crafty
  • Set intentions
  • Make affirmations
  • Create a space for healing
  • Surround yourself visually every day in this space of healing.

If you want guidance on how to approach any of the above, reach out to me via Facebook or E-mail. Also… dare I give away one of my big announcements for 2015? Maybe just a hint-

Stay tuned for our #lightworkers community to soon make an online presence.


The universe is always watching so if you can remain consciously UPlifted into these higher ways of thinking the universe will have your back. So dream big everyone. Our planet needs lightworkers and to be saturated in higher vibration now more than ever before. Together we will: “reveal, heal, resolve and evolve.” -Katherine Austin (my teacher & owner of Karma Yoga)




If I’m being honest prepping all of my meals for the week isn’t a usual for me, but since nutrition is something I am focusing on improving in 2015 I figured why not start now???

Rather than setting resolutions I set goals and never give up achieving them. I am a thorough believer that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. Speaking from experience there’s no way I could’ve stuck to the workout programs I’ve completed without planning my support accountability groups. Likewise, I know consistent healthful nutrition is key to success body, mind and spirit. I’m on a Paleo kick avoiding wheat, gluten, dairy, processed foods, etc. because when I intuitively listen to my body (and a food sensitivity test I took) I know these foods are harder to digest and drain my energy.

This 2015 I’m focusing on balance! Portion control with the guidelines from the 21 Day Fix is how I’m doing it. Want to join me? fill out the contact me form or reach out to me via email, fb, or Instagram. I would love for more like-minded people to join my support groups so we can hold one another accountable.

Back to meal prepping… I questioned myself while cooking why it is I’ve never commuted the fully prepping out my weeks and I realized it’s because most prepped meals I see people posting don’t excite me… At all. Lol. Eat your baked chicke with lemon juice all you want but this girl needs some spice and variety in her life. So that’s exactly what I did, with simplistic recipes too. /home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/260/57533696/files/2014/12/img_2638.jpgFrom left to right: Tuna with Greek yogurt, eggs, peppers and onion loaded with paprika, black pepper and crushed red pepper. Overnight oats with banana, cinnamon and pumpkin spice. Measured, washed and chopped romaine lettuce, grapes and spinach. “Fried” rice with egg whites, chicken, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, garlic and Brags Liquid Aminos. Lastly sautéed garlic mushrooms! Not pictured are measured Bison patties spiced and ready for grilling. Delicious right? I will alternate between the bison with mushrooms and romaine with the fried rice for dinner. I will on occasion have a glass of wine or a piece of dark chocolate and adjust my intake accordingly. Wanna know what else? There’s ZEROS guess work with any of this. I’m simply following the portion control containers by Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix. I will also continue my Insanity Max 30 journey and my regular yoga practice. I’m excited to enjoy my meals this week, lean out the next couple months and cook up a storm of new things next week. Stay tuned…


Wellness Accountability Challenge Requirements


Yayy I’m so excited to announce that myy January 1st Challenge is now LIVE! That means that the spots are readily available to snag. As always, I like to keep these groups small so we can remain FOCUSED on reaching our goals. Did I mention if you’re involved in one of my challenges you have the option each month there after to continue in my challenges if you so choose! On the left you’ll see all the goodness included during my challenges whereas the graphic on the bottom left dives into the extra goodies I throw in completely optionally.

Wellness Mentoring

Below you’ll find a video breaking down the 3 requirements in order to join my FB accountability groups:




Leave a comment, msg me on Facebook or -mail me with any and all questions! Looking forward to kicking ass this new year and becoming a healthier & happier version of myself. It’s never too late to start. 🙂


My Life as a Beachbody Coach

Before I dive into all about myself as a bb coach, let me answer a much more broad and commonly asked question.

Q: What does a Beachbody Coach Do?

A: Beachbody Coaches share with others products they are using themselves that they truly believe in and know get results from their own personal experience. They also provide support, accountability, and motivation to their customers and help them get the best results possible.

What Does A Beachbody Coach Do?

Above is the short version. If you’d like a longer version and a more in depth explanation directly in relation to my career as a bb coach, keep on reading!

So What Do I do as a Beachbody Coach?

Being a Beachbody Coach goes beyond my career. It’s a lifestyle I live and breathe each and every day.  On top of being a coach, I’m also a yoga and meditation teacher striving to provide all-around lifestyle wellness. My ‘job’ is so personal to me. I think it’s because out of all things Beachbody provided myself as a customer (before I became a coach) the accountability group I was in thanks to MY coach is what truly played the biggest role in my success. Having so much support each and every day while being surrounded with like-minded people kept me on track with my goals. My dream of being healthier and fitter than ever didn’t just fizzle out like it has many many times before through efforts of other workout/diet regimens I tried on my own numerous times. Being a part of a team with this company is unique and nothing short of inspiring.

If you’re wondering what my life’s like now as a coach, why I became a coach and where I see my life going I highly suggest watching the video below:

If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email or ask a question below, I’d love to hear from anyone with feedback regarding beachbody or joining an accountability group.



To build authentic relationships you must share where you came from, what you’re doing and where you’re going.Coaching Tip Tuesday1

I think it’s so important as an entrepreneur, yoga teacher, FFAthlete and beachbody coach to share with my clients, students, and teammates (AKA MY FRIENDS). If you’re thinking of becoming a coach or joining my team I encourage you to share your story. Here’s a tidbit of my own I felt called to write about today:unnamed-1

Feeling like myself again: healthy, energized, HAPPY, silly and full of laughter. I had a rough 2014 full of sadness, anxiety, panic attacks and not wanting to leave my bed. I haven’t shared this with many people because I worried about others perception of myself. I realized how others see you doesn’t matter if you’re miserable!! I decided to push excuses to the side and live the life of my wildest dreams. I’m stepping into my true self by following my true passion of helping others. Believe me  when I say you can live the life you’ve always wanted because if you decide & commit you will succeed. I truly believe living your dream-life begins with a strong foundation of good health. If this resonates with you and you would like more info on how you can get involved in my wellness team to become the best version of yourself be sure to leave your email or shoot me a msg via Facebook. Why Wait for 2015?



Coaching Tip Tuesday: Devote a minimum of 15 minutes every day to personal development.

You have to show up for yourSELF before you can show up for anyone else.

Coaching Tip Tuesday2There are countless ways to engage in personal development, whether you decide to pray, practice yoga, meditate, read, journal or watch inspirational videos, etc. the most important thing is that you commit to some sort of PD each and every day:  consistently is key. Personally, I prefer starting my day with personal development before anything else (after brushing my teeth of course). This sets a productive tone of positivelty for the rest of the day. Although I recommend personal development to everyone it is especially vital if you’re a coach or apart of our #freetobefit team. For coaches, I highly recommend participating in the Coach Training Academy that’s on your beachbody coaching homepage. If you’re interested in more information regarding this shoot me a comment or e-mail! Everyone’s PD is different, and that’s okay, even if the type of personal development you engage in is different each day, that’s okay too- what matters if that you take time, every single day to take care of yourself, improve yourself and make strides towards growth!

For example: My own personal development consists of daily prayer, meditation and yoga- more recently I’ve expanded this to researching/acting on improving marketing and branding. Mondays are the National Coach Calls, so that is my personal development on that day. Either way, I hit my PD in the mornings with a cup of tea right after my workout + shower. Don’t be intimidated by my lengthy list of what I do for PD. It’s a huge part of my life but it hasn’t always been so lengthy- my PD started small and yours should too!

I’d LOVE your feedback on what you do for personal development. Do you consistently have something you work on, on a regular basis? If you don’t- what sort of personal development intrigues you- even if it’s something other than what I’ve listed? DO share and let me know what sort of PD peaks your interest.



As some of you know, every 1st of the month my team runs a beachbody bootcamp where we come together to keep one another accountable for our health & fitness goals. If you want more information on our monthly (you can join late) beachbody bootcamps click HERE. So, you might be wondering what program I decided to commit to this December. I choose…


As a yogi of course I love this program. The fusion between pilates, yoga, cardio and dynamic movements keep your body guessing and mind off everything else going on in your life while doing PiYo. I decided to commit to this program this December because with all of the hustle & bustle during the holiday’s I know I’m low on time, have cold joints, and a fluttered mind thinking about shopping, family events, parties, the new year, etc. Not to mention all the temptation to overindulge in poor food options and alcohol. With PiYo, most of the workouts are about 40 minutes, you’re improving joint mobility, building muscle and muscle flexibility with these low impact workouts.The emphasis on the breath is one of my favorite parts of PiYo . So if you’re interested in following my journey through PiYo this december definitely check out my instagram and Facebook that’ll contain daily updates! If you’re interested in participating with my PiYo Bootcamp or wanting to participate with another one of beachbody’s programs/supplements this December be sure to drop a comment below, visit HERE to fill out a form to join or simply email me at lexiannwellness@gmail.com

We have all tried different diets, taken off weight, put it back on, started new workout programs, quit them, joined gyms, stopped going, etc. This challenge right before the new year is meant to get you grounded and on track.  My team gives you the support that you need to make a lifestyle change and reach your full potential, why wait until January 1st? If you are ready to commit to change reach out to me. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone’s awesome results this month and can’t wait for mine, good luck!

Below you’ll find the descriptions of each workout on the program:


 PiYo Reviews:

My Friend and fellow coach, Patrick 🙂

Compare Fitness Programs

Find the best workout program to achieve your personal health and fitness goals with our comparison chart. From best sellers to your fitness level, click the comparison chart link to determine the best program for YOU. As always, email me at lexiannwellness@gmail.com with any questions as I’ve completed the following:Brazil-Butt-Lift-Logo p90x

21df_logo_800x800 InsanityLogo2 logo T25_logo


A Strong Core Starts Here by ASKinyourface.com

This article was originally published on one of my yoga teacher’s (Allision Kaplan) blog, here!!!

Your core is the very center of your physical, emotional and spiritual universe. Everything about us somehow relates to this real and magical place; where energy, courage, passion and self-confidence generates. The famous psychologist, Carl Jung, once said that Manipura chakra is where we burn through our passions and desires in order to become a completely realized individual. Becoming a fully realized person will take you to the test. Believe me, I know how uncomfortable and scary change can be and that it usually requires us to give up something big (really scary) to make room for something else (much bigger) that often ends up as unexpected amazing.

Keep reading! There’s a great core strengthening workout for you further down the page.

“Fear, uncertainty and discomfort are your compasses toward growth.”

According to the Kundalini yoga tradition, traveling along our energetic highway of chakras, the third chakra, Manipura translates as “city of jewels” or “lustrous gem”. This is exactly what we hold within us. A dazzling, radiant center of energy that distributes life throughout the human framework. Just as the earth would not survive without the sun, we rely on our third chakra to regulate and energize our systems activities. There are many techniques one can use to stimulate, balance and connect more fully to our manipura chakra. According to many traditions, including Kundalini Yoga, the third chakra is the actual place of awakening the kundalini energy; the center of will and action. This is the fire that sets it off! You can read more about this on Spirit Voyage.com. It really is interesting stuff!
So, what is one such way to get this glowing fire going? Simultaneous breath work and simple movement will stimulate the navel center and surrounding area. I’m not saying that the exercises you will hopefully be doing are going to be easy and painless – not at all. You can expect the sensations in your belly and in your head to be intense and challenging. This is how change begins. You gotta feel in order to grow! So, stay with it and you’re going to feel amazing!

Begin creating change by setting aside time for a morning ritual.

First thing in the morning, these exercises, practiced regularly, will shift your energy from slow, sluggish and unmotivated to strong, radiant and ready to roll. Your body, mind and spirit will become brighter, lighter and more powerful than you ever could have imagined.

Before you get started…

A good nights sleep is vital to your whole health so don’t skimp on those precious healing hours of rest. Train yourself to go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual. This will allow you the time needed to complete your core awakening workout without compromising your nightly rest. Here you go!

Optional Warm-Up

Begin with one to three minutes of Breath of Fire (rhythmic nostril breathing that sounds much like a panting dog) Sit cross-legged with your spine tall and eyes closed. Raise your arms over your head, palms facing away from you and bring your thumbs to touch with your fingers softly curled into your palm. Or, rest your hands (palms up) on your knees. Begin to breathe in and out of your nose. Keep this breathe work going for one minute. Be patient with yourself ; new is strange and uncomfortable but soon becomes an old friend. Don’t rush it; allow the process of daily practice to bring you to this place of comfort and ease.  Click here to watch a great video and learn more about breath of fire.

Maintain awareness of breath while doing the following core exercises for one minute each. Beginners start with 30 seconds for each exercise. End each one minute core exercise with a huge inhale, hold for 3 seconds, followed by a long exhale. These are just a few of my favorites.

Regular Crunch  – with bent knees, feet on the floor: Just lift shoulder blades off the floor and go!

Reverse Crunch – Lift hips off the floor while keeping your torso on the floor

Double Crunch  – Lift BOTH hips & shoulders off the floor simultaneously

Left Crunches  – Take right elbow to the left knee

Right Crunches – Take left elbow to right knee

Straight Leg Raises – Alternately lift & lower your legs (slide your hands under your butt for more support)

Double Leg Raises – Lift & lower both legs together

Bicycle Crunches – Alternate elbows to opposite knee by bicycling the legs

Hold High Plank Pose – on your hands and toes

Hold Plank on your forearms

Allow all this awesome energy to settle while you rest for a few minutes in child pose

15 minutes each morning and you will create a core defined – radiant and powerful forever more. That’s you!

Always love,


Why Beachbody?


Get fit with the nation’s most popular in-home fitness and weight-loss products—high-quality, well-manufactured DVD workout programs, gear, and nutritional supplements that have been proven to work (My personally experience withmany of Beachbody’s products backs this up)! When you purchase any Beachbody product through my site you’re instantly saving and purchasing at the best discounted price! The cost savings is the only perk! By signing up through me you instantly gain full access to my  daily coaching which includes anything from one-on-one interactions (i.e. skype, text, e-mail and phone), motivation, tips/tricks, etc! My assistance doesn’t stop at the checkout, but is ongoing to help you reach your fitness goals with support and accountability. For any newbees- Be sure to check out my challenge packs!!! http://teambeachbody.com/rockinyogii
