Tag Archives: Ayurvedic


To build authentic relationships you must share where you came from, what you’re doing and where you’re going.Coaching Tip Tuesday1

I think it’s so important as an entrepreneur, yoga teacher, FFAthlete and beachbody coach to share with my clients, students, and teammates (AKA MY FRIENDS). If you’re thinking of becoming a coach or joining my team I encourage you to share your story. Here’s a tidbit of my own I felt called to write about today:unnamed-1

Feeling like myself again: healthy, energized, HAPPY, silly and full of laughter. I had a rough 2014 full of sadness, anxiety, panic attacks and not wanting to leave my bed. I haven’t shared this with many people because I worried about others perception of myself. I realized how others see you doesn’t matter if you’re miserable!! I decided to push excuses to the side and live the life of my wildest dreams. I’m stepping into my true self by following my true passion of helping others. Believe me  when I say you can live the life you’ve always wanted because if you decide & commit you will succeed. I truly believe living your dream-life begins with a strong foundation of good health. If this resonates with you and you would like more info on how you can get involved in my wellness team to become the best version of yourself be sure to leave your email or shoot me a msg via Facebook. Why Wait for 2015?



Internal Oleation: Setting the Stage for Cleansing

Internal Oleation is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual of taking ghee or flax seed oil (if you have high cholesterol) to provide internal lubrication and prepares impurities and toxins (ama) to be removed from the deep tissues through the gastrointestinal track of elimination.

ayurvedic-cleansing-with-ghee-430x550It’s important to note that while practicing internal orleation you eliminate all other fats so your body can fully metabolize the ghee/oil.

This is a pre-cleanse practice adding in stira sukka which is discovering the balance between effort and ease. The night before you decide to start oleation soak a small handful of black raisins in water over night. When you awake, discard water and blend in either a blender or food processor with ghee or flax oil, a small amount of hot water and add cinnamon or ginger to taste. Say a mantra, prayer, note your gratitude for this ritual, smile and drink!

Internal Oleation is recommended over the course of 4 days. Each day the amount of oil you consume increases! Take 2 tsp. on day one of the cleanse, 4 tsp. day 2, 6 tsp. day 3 and 8 tsp. day 4. In order to receive the full health benefits of the oleation it’s important you wait for ‘true hunger’ or a strong appetite to return before eating your first meal of the day. This is where intuition comes into play! In Ayurveda it’s important we give our digestion a rest. This is why 3 meals a day with little to no snacking is recommended.

In regards to receiving the most ‘bang for your buck’ while performing internal oleation is to simplify your cleanse! A mono-diet of kitchari is very traditional for Ayurvedia.10530879_742137855823745_4313188310103646190_n However, in our modern world today simply eating a whole foods plant based diet while eliminating meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, processed food, sugar and wheat you are bound to reap the benefits! Finally, my last note on the topic do not rush into this. Be kind to yourself. Cleansing should be focused on what you’re adding in rather than what you’re eliminating. Transition slowly to the mono-diet. Take your time and perform self-love daily through prayer, meditation, self-massage, light yoga, extra sleep, dry brushing, scraping your tongue or a detox bath. A cleanse shouldn’t be scary if you feel that way, slow down. If you do better your second week then your first- you’re doing it right. Good luck cleansers!
